Nostalgia is easy. Easy money. Easy memories. And the peak-and-crash crash rush of the comfortable and familiar, which fades away in an instant.
Inspiration is hard. Achieving it demands vulnerability, cooperation, and a belief that the next thing you create could genuinely move someone�s soul.
Over the many years together, the men of Fastball have come to appreciate that the whole point of their careers together is building off of the trust, creativity and just plain hard work of making inspired music together. It�s a career highlighted by the early career chart-topping success of hit single �The Way,� which guitarist Miles Zuniga wryly remarks, �I like to say that �The Way� gave us the freedom to continue doing what we do� and what the band has done steadily through the years is continually hone its voice and sound, which has further evolved during a 10-year streak that founders Zuniga, guitarist/singer Tony Scalzo, and drummer Joey Shuffield agree has seen them at their most creative and open-hearted as a trio of musicians and lifelong friends.
Spirited by the new material and what feels like an always-growing sense of trust and enthusiasm among them, the men of Fastball are looking forward to spending time taking their newest creations - as well as plenty of the old favorites - out to loyal fans who appreciate their quest to keep moving forward and challenging themselves. Zuniga said the shift to deciding what the three of them want as a band, rather than chasing trends.
�I started to think, I don't have to be buffeted by accepting whatever comes along. I can decide what I'm going to do, where I'm going to focus, where I'm going to put my energy,� he said. �I can do what I want to do with these guys. We have to be accountable to ourselves. We had to raise our game. That allowed us to succeed. To me, that was galvanizing.�