Way out on the western plains, you can see storms make their way
across the horizon. Lightning strikes brighten darkened masses of
fearsome clouds as they roll on down the line. They sway and swirl
giving the promise of rain. They thunder and clap with threats of hail o
worse. Kaitlin Butts is a thunderstorm. A tornado warning. The siren
wail of a small town's caution system still in use. Behind her flowing
locks of auburn hair, Oklahoma twang, and wry grin, grows a
demanding voice and equally devastating storyteller. This high-rising
Oklahoma native is steadily blooming into a quick-witted writer who
has the ability to pick the right details to make a song and story
believable and real. She shifts between infectious Cosmic Cowgirl
flare with lush desert-swept pastels, desired & heartfelt tearjerkers,
and hard-bitten & calloused murder ballads. Through them all, she
exhibits a knack for character and a nose for narrative. They come in
like a summer shower patting down the dust. Other times, Butts is
torrential downpour wreaking havoc.