The Inspector Cluzo is a Gascony based Rock-Blues duo, created in 2008 by Laurent (Guitar, Lead Vocal) and Mathieu (Drums). The two met at their 1st year of Physics studies in Mont de Marsan. Since 2008, the band have released 9 albums via their self-run record label “F.TheBassPlayer Rercords”, they are totally 100% self-financed, family-based organized, and 100% DIY.
They have played more than 1200 gigs in 67 countries all around the world. They played festivals such as Fuji Rock festival (Japan), Pentaport Festival (South Korea), Lollapalooza (Brazil &Chile), Download (UK), Paléo Festival (Switzerland), Oppikopi (South Africa), Blues Fest (Australia), Shaky Knees Fest (USA), Hell Fest (France).
However, the band’s main activity remains farming. They are organic professional farmers, they run a 15Ha family farm called "LOU CASSE" (“the oak” in Gascon language) in Gascony, producing organic wheat and organic corn with their own free seeds. No GMO, no hybrids seeds, no chemicals nor pesticides are used. They belong to a new generation of farmers that are into an Agro-Ecologic system challenging and fighting climate change for the new generations.