Box Office Phone Number: (757) 722 - 2787 Group Sale: 757-722-2787 # of people : usually 15+, varies by show. Call for details
When is the box office open?
Days and Hours of Operation: In Advance: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday 10:00am - if an event is scheduled Day of Event: 10:00am or 2hrs before Sunday event
What payment types are accepted?
Cash, Visa, & MC
What are the will call rules?
Location : At Box Office located at main entrance during regular box office hours.
What are the parking options at American Theatre?
Well lighted parking lot adjacent to the Theatre from Mellen Street or from County Street. On street parking also available in front and around the Theatre..
Is there accessible seating?
Available Thru: Ticketmaster and Box Office
What are the general rules of American Theatre?
Rules/Restrictions: Cameras, video, audio recording of any kind. No food or beverage is allowed in the theatre.
Are children allowed?
Everyone must have a ticket, 2 and under free on a parents lap
American Theatre Seating Chart
Karl Werne's 60th Birthday Bash - The Music Videos...Live!A Juneteenth Pageant - The Play!A Soldier's PlayCOURT JESTER (1955) - Classic MovieMCLINTOCK! (1963) - Classic MovieMR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON (1939) - Classic MovieNORTH BY NORTHWEST (1959) - Classic MovieROYAL WEDDING - Classic MovieSHANGHAI EXPRESS (1932) - Classic MovieTHE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY (1978) - Classic MovieThe Journey Experience
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.