Brossard, Canada
Brossard, Canada
Brossard, Canada
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Boucar Diouf on Tour
One of Quebec's most gifted and treasured storytellers, Boucar Diouf has a wealth of tales and insights to share, a bounty he discovered both in his studies as a scientist and in the journey that took him from the countryside of Africa to the halls and stages of Canada.
Diouf's own story began in the Senegalese town of Fatick, where he was born into a farming family who shared the Serer heritage of many in the region. As he tended to his father's animals — sometimes practicing his school lessons by reciting them to the baobab trees — Diouf experienced the stirrings of a profound connection to nature as well as an interest in science. After completing his master's degree, he left Senegal to study oceanography at the Université du Québec à Rimouski. He'd never forget his first encounters with Canadian winters and food even as he thrived in his new country, becoming a popular lecturer known for making science fun. His students encouraged him to share those memories of cultural dislocation and his take on the wider experience of newcomers to Canada in a contest for ‘Just for Laughs.'
That was the fateful first step on a new part of Diouf's journey — as a humorist. In 2005, he won the Breakthrough of the Year award at the Grand Rire de Québec festival. He soon gained opportunities to share his perspective in a variety of platforms, including a newspaper column for La Presse, and radio and TV programs for Radio-Canada and Télé-Québec. In such shows as ‘Mon premier Noël au Canada' and ‘La nature selon Boucar,' he displayed his knack for finding moments of unexpected humor in typically serious subjects like cultural difference and social integration. Naturally, Diouf's knowledge as a scientist also played a major role in his radio and TV endeavors, and in such touring stage shows as ‘L'Africassée' (2010), ‘Pour une raison X et Y' (2013), and ‘Magtogoek ou le chemin qui marche' (2017). Of the many honors he has received, he was named a knight of the National Order of Québec (Ordre national du Québec) in 2016.
Now based in Longueil, Diouf continues to delight audiences of all kinds with his unique (and uniquely funny) take on the world and on the long and winding road he has taken through it.