Will Call is located at the main box office and opens 90 minutes prior to event. Customer must have actual credit card and picture ID.
What are the parking options at Cannon Center for the Performing Arts?
Parking at The Renasant Convention Center and Cannon Center for the Performing Arts is available at the garage, which is located on Front Street between Poplar Avenue and Winchester Street.
Is there accessible seating?
This is an accessible venue Semi Ambulatory: Seat cannot be removed for wheelchair Wheelchair Accessible: There is no seat/space for wheelchair only
What are the general rules of Cannon Center for the Performing Arts?
Everyone must have a ticket to enter unless otherwise indicated.
Cannon Center for the Performing Arts Seating Chart
A Collage Of ClassicsA Taste of IrelandAnt ClemonsFrankie Valli & The Four SeasonsIntocableJeffrey OsborneToastWorld Ballet Company: The Great Gatsby
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.