There is no direct line to the box office. General Information (704) 339-6000.
When is the box office open?
Depending on the event, the box office will not open until event day, but the time varies by event. Contact (704) 339-6000.
What payment types are accepted?
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and Cash.
What are the will call rules?
Located inside the Building. Photo I.D. is required for pick-up. Please bring photo I.D., matching card used to purchase, and confirmation number.
What are the parking options at Charlotte Convention Center?
Located in various lots around the Venue. Fees vary depending on lot.
Is there accessible seating?
This is an accessible venue.
What are the general rules of Charlotte Convention Center?
NO Smoking NO Cameras or Video Recorders
Are children allowed?
Age restrictions vary by event. Please check the event website or contact (704) 339-6000 for specific restrictions on the event you are looking to attend.