What are the parking options at DPAC - Durham Performing Arts Center?
More Than 3,000 Parking Spaces Just Minutes From Our Doors. Convenient parking is easy with three parking decks surrounding DPAC. In total there are more than 3,000 spaces within .10 to .25 mile walking distance from the theater. For guests with mobility impairments or guests uncomfortable walking from our nearby parking areas, DPAC has a Courtesy Shuttle from the American Tobacco North Deck. Guests who wish to use the North Deck Courtesy Shuttle should request accessible parking on the ground floor from the parking attendant in the North Deck. Once parked, look for the shuttle pick-up signs and benches. DPACs Most Popular Parking Options 1. American Tobacco North Deck , 305 West Pettigrew, Durham, NC 27701 2. 555 Mangum Street, 555 South Mangum Street, Durham, NC 27701 3. American Tobacco East Deck, 250 South Mangum Street, Durham, NC 27701