Tickets left for collection can be picked up from the box office at the venue on the night of the event. Please take the card used to purchase tickets and your Ticketmaster reference number.
What are the parking options at Engine Shed?
There are several car parks near to the venue.
Is there accessible seating?
Please contact the venue directly for more information on special needs access.
What are the general rules of Engine Shed?
No illegal substances.
Are children allowed?
This venue is restricted to 18's and Over Only.
Engine Shed Seating Chart
Alan DaviesBabatunde AlesheBoyzlifeChris McCauslandDara Ó BriainJason ManfordKatherine RyanThe ShiresWhat's Love Got to do With it - Tina Turner TributeWhitney Queen of the Night
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.