What are the general rules of Plaza Repentigny?
Le festival repose sur des valeurs de respect envers tous les participants, artistes et membres du personnel, sans distinction d'origine, de genre, de sexualité, de religion ou d'opinions. Tout comportement hostile, discriminatoire ou agressif est strictement interdit. Le harcèlement, sous toutes ses formes, ainsi que toute forme de discrimination (raciale, de genre, d'orientation sexuelle, etc.) entraînera une exclusion immédiate du festival, sans remboursement. Les billets sont non remboursables, et en cas d'annulation de spectacle, aucune compensation ne sera offerte. La sortie du site du festival sera définitive, il n'y aura aucune réadmission acceptée. Les spectacles ont lieu comme prévu, qu'il pleuve ou qu'il fasse beau. Le festival se tiendra dans un environnement sécurisé, et tous les sacs seront fouillés à l'entrée pour garantir la sécurité de tous les participants. The festival is based on values of respect for all participants, artists, and staff members, regardless of origin, gender, sexuality, religion, or opinions. Any hostile, discriminatory or aggressive behavior is strictly forbidden. Harassment, in all its forms, as well as any form of discrimination (racial, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) will result in immediate exclusion from the festival, without refund. Tickets are non-refundable, and in the event of a show cancellation, no compensation will be offered. Exit from the festival site will be final, there will be no readmission accepted. Shows will take place as scheduled, rain or shine. The festival will be held in a secure environment, and all bags will be searched upon entry to ensure the safety of all participants. Prohibited items Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, weapons, sharp or dangerous objects, flammable products (fireworks, gas, etc.), large camping-style backpacks, tents, folding chairs (except Sundays), umbrellas, animals (except service dogs), megaphones, batons, drones, glass bottles, cans (closed or open), coolers, thermoses or aluminum water bottles, audio recorders, professional cameras (capture equipment) and external flash, skateboards, scooters, bicycles (bicycle racks will be provided), any musical instrument and items intended for sale or promotion without authorization Allowed items Strollers, baby bottles, backpacks and small bags (all bags will be searched), binoculars, food (light snacks), reusable water bottles (empty upon entry), empty Ecocup glass, sunscreen (without aerosol), personal camera (without professional lens)"