10:00 - 20:00 Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 Sunday
What are the will call rules?
Tickets left for collection can be picked up from the box office at the venue in the hour and a half prior to the performance start. Please take the card used to make the booking and your Ticketmaster reference number.
What are the parking options at The Glasshouse International Centre for Music?
Cars There is a drop off and pick up point at the west door of The Sage Gateshead. The venue has its own car park with lift access situated directly behind the building to the south. Spaces are offered on a first come first served basis. Charges are per hour on a pay on exit basis: the first thirty minutes are free of charge, then it’s 70p per hour for the first four hours and £1.00 for each additional hour. Further car parking is available within two to ten minutes walking distance from the venue. Please ask the Box Office for further details. Blue Badge Holders There are a number of priority spaces for blue badge holders near the entrances to The Sage Gateshead and by the lifts in the car park. Coaches Coach parking is available at The Sage Gateshead’s coach park, into which there is level access from the road for coaches and from which there is level access to the building for passengers. Bicycles Cycle racks are available adjacent to the building.
Is there accessible seating?
The venue is accesible for disabled patrons, with ten wheelchair spaces, a lift to every floor and an infa red system for the hard of hearing. To book disabled access tickets, please call the venue on 0191 443 4661. There are a number of priority spaces for blue badge holders near the entrances to The Sage Gateshead and by the lifts in the car park.
What are the general rules of The Glasshouse International Centre for Music?
No cameras, video cameras or audio recording devices. No food. No bottles or cans. No alcohol or illegal substances. No mobile phones. Smoking is not allowed in the venue.
Are children allowed?
No babes in arms. Only children aged two and over are admitted.
The Glasshouse International Centre for... Seating Chart
Aljaz & JanetteBill MurrayBjorn AgainBlack Country, New RoadCat PowerDiversityFather John MistyFisherman's FriendsGraham NashImelda MayJohn Wilson and His Sinfonia Of LondonKamasi WashingtonLevel 42Lucy RoseMike and the MechanicsOti MabuseRat Pack Swingin' at The SandsRobert Cray BandRoger DaltreyRumerRumours of Fleetwood MacScott Bradlee's Postmodern JukeboxSimply DylanSuzanne VegaThe Amy Winehouse BandThe Australian Bee Gees Show (Touring)The ManfredsThe Swell SeasonTony HadleyWet Wet WetWhat's Love Got to do With it - Tina Turner Tribute
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.