What are the general rules of Thompson's Point?
No Smoking No Re-entry No Pets No Glass No Bottles No Cans No Hard Coolers No Alcoholic Beverages No Illegal or Illicit Substances of Any Kind No Weapons No Fireworks No Umbrellas No Professional Photo/Audio/Video Equipment No Glow Sticks or Wands No Laser Pointers Items Allowed: SMALL beach or soft camp chairs. To ensure clear sight lines for all of our guests, only low "beach style" chairs with a seat no higher than 9" off the ground are permitted. Chair section is extremely limited, so please come early to secure a spot. No chairs will be allowed inside once filled, which is normally around 30 minutes after doors open for a sold out show. Blankets or beach towels, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, valid drivers license for will call and/or to drink alcohol, a jacket, friends and two thumbs up. REVERB will be on site with their free water station for you to fill up your reusable bottle. Don't have a bottle with you? Donate for a custom Thompson's Point REVERB Nalgene bottle. All donations support REVERB's work making live music more sustainable!