Located at Main Entrance. Open Monday-Friday; 10:00am-5:00pm.
What payment types are accepted?
Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover & AMEX
What are the will call rules?
Available at the Box Office. Opens 1 hour before event. Please bring a picture ID, the actual credit card used to purchase the tickets and your order number.
What are the parking options at VBC Mars Music Hall?
Located in the lot on Monroe Street across from the center, South Hall Garage, and Clinton Avenue.
Is there accessible seating?
This venue is accessible.
Are children allowed?
Varies depending on event. See individual events for age requirements.
VBC Mars Music Hall Seating Chart
4 Phases Of RnBCoal ChamberDave MasonHinderJudah & the LionLast Podcast On The LeftMaddox BatsonMarcellus TheSingerMen Are From Mars Women Are From VenusNapoleon Dynamite Live!Of Mice & MenPaul ThornRob SchneiderRocky Mountain High Experience, A Tribute To John Denver featuring Rick SchulerSevendustSilversteinStars & GuitarsTestamentThe Devil Wears PradaThe Molly RingwaldsThe Pink Floyd Laser SpectacularThe Psychology of a MurdererWyatt Flores
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.