For information call (313) 833-9700.There are no Group Sales.
When is the box office open?
Box Office open day of show only, 11AM to 7PM.
What payment types are accepted?
MasterCard, Visa, American Express and cash.
What are the will call rules?
Will Call Tickets can be picked up only on the day of the show, when the doors open. Customers will need their Confirmation Number and Photo Identification.
What are the parking options at Majestic Theatre?
Parking available at the rear of the building or across Woodward - secured, fenced, lighted.
What are the general rules of Majestic Theatre?
No bottles or outside food allowed.
Are children allowed?
No children on most shows, unless designated as all ages.
Majestic Theatre Seating Chart
Juno BirchWild Rivers
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.