The Punch Line Box Office is located on site. Please call (415) 397-7573 for ticketing information, (415) 397-0644 for transportation information, or visit
When is the box office open?
Tuesday - Sunday: 3PM - 6PM Closed Monday If tickets are no longer available online, they may still be available through the venue’s box office. Please call (415) 397-7573 for info.
What are the parking options at Punch Line Comedy Club - San Francisco?
There is lot and street parking available. Fees vary.
What are the general rules of Punch Line Comedy Club - San Francisco?
Patrons must be ages 18 and older. Legal photo I.D. is required. There is a 2 drink minimum per person. Camera Policy: Personal cameras are allowed in the venue. Flash photography, video and removable lens cameras are not permitted without venue approval.
Punch Line Comedy Club - San Francisco Seating Chart
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.