Presale: Tue • Mar 18 • 2 PM
Presale: Tue • Mar 18 • 2 PM
New York, NY
Presale: Tue • Mar 18 • 2 PM
Presale: Tue • Mar 18 • 2 PM
New York, NY
Overall Rating
By Debbbarry
Ray was SO alluring!!
I really had only heard a couple of his songs so at the concert was just amazed at his range. He just pulls you in. Also...if I could go to every concert and listen while laying on a blanket...I'd be in Heaven.
By BrownEyedBetty
Ray : where were you?
We went thinking we would hear some faves tunes from Ray’s list of hits. Turns out what he’s really doing is launching a Pink Floyd Tribute band with music presumably (& exclusively) from his new CD. He addressed the crowd once to introduce his band and did so without smilIng or engaging on any level with his audience. It felt like he didn’t even want to be there. Or give folks a return on their expectation from the price of admission. A supreme disappointment from beginning to end. Won’t bother with any more of his live gigs.
By Anonymous
Very disappointing. Played new material which was garbled and uninspired. NONE of his greats
By qqqqWWWWqqqq
Ray LaMontange--Madison, WI, 7/6/18
Breese Stevens Field was excellent. Back half of the field was set up for people to spread out blankets to sit and relax. Front half was for those who wanted to stand. Easy to get to a beer stand and to a port-a-pottie (there were plenty of both). Two large screens allowed for video viewing (though the goofy '80s-style effects the video people used were annoying). Sound system was adequate with nice sound the further from the stage one got. The concert, however, sucked. I stood in the front half but was surrounded by people who'd rather talk than see a show. Ray LaMontange's voice was drowned out the crowd. Admittedly it's better to see him in a more intimate place versus a high school football field, but to have a crowd that cared more about their workplace projects or their narcissistic social media posts is just sad. I left after seven songs. I saw five concerts that week. This was easily the worst.
By LittleVillageIdiot
Part of The Light tour
Second show I have seen (Ouroboros) and just as great as the first. One song in the middle was far and away worth the admission. I didn’t have this album yet, it is arriving tomorrow !
By CheeseNation
Garden Party Flashback
I’ll start by qualifying, I like the changes Ray has made to his music and writing through the years but I still love the first stuff he did. Brought s friend and felt bad they had never seen him and I don’t believe he played a single song from his first three albums. I won’t be paying this much to see him again and the last time I went to breeze Stevens it was super cheap and didn’t have the added ticket master fees increasing he price by 65%
By Jeelbee
It Happened twice!
We saw Ray on his last tour and it was like a Pink Floyd reunion tour. Assured that that wouldn't happen again, we bought tickets for this tour and it did happen again!! After two shows I still have not heard old favorites like "Beg, Steal or Borrow" or "For the Summer". It won't happen again.
By MadCityWI
Disappointing Ray concert
Although the concert started at 7:30, Ray did not start playing until 9:15. There was 45 min. of nothing between the opening band and Ray. That's unacceptable. The acoustics were disappointing as well. The back up was louder than Ray. Bummer.
By Anonymous
Great venue but a disappointing show.
Should have researched more before booking these tickets. Ray played none of his fan favorites. Gorgeous venue but really disappointing show. Saw Darius Rucker here last year and thought he did a great job of mixing old and new in his set. I get trying a different direction, but people still like to, and expect to, hear a few faves.
By MadisonSteve
Nothing like the original
Saw Ray last time he was in Madison, because my wife wanted to go, and he was pretty good. Not my taste in music, necessarily, but the show was good. This was completely different. He has certainly gone in a more rock direction. Not the acoustic type of show that he performed the before. More psychedelic and a lot more electric guitar. The music wasn't bad, but not what was expected. In addition, there was ZERO interaction with the audience. The energy of the band was reflected in the crowd and all but those right up front were just standing and watching. We were on a blanket with friends further back and had a nice, relaxing social gathering, with pleasant but uninspiring music playing in the background. It was a nice evening, but not worth half of what I paid for the tickets.
Join Ray LaMontagne on the Trouble 20th Anniversary Tour.
Ray's vast catalog spans nine full length records, chart topping radio singles, and a Grammy win, in addition to multiple Grammy nominations. This year will prove to be an exciting one for LaMontagne as he heads out on the road celebrating his first full length album, Trouble, playing the album in its entirety as well as songs from across his catalog.
Of this landmark anniversary, LaMontagne has written the following personal note to his fans:
As many of you know, last September was the 20th anniversary of the release of Trouble. Twenty years. Two Decades. That's a lot of water under the bridge. Every cell in my body has changed three times over in that time. I have been three times reborn.
There are moments in your life when you need to place a marker. Some people think that it is brave, or fearless, to never look back. I don't believe that. For the simple reason that if you never look back you will never see how far you have come. This year I place a sign post: twenty years of Trouble.
When Trouble was initially released Vinyl was considered a dead format, never to breathe again Digital audio was the new King. As we know this has proved untrue. Each year more and more music lovers are listening to Vinyl and appreciating it for its depth and breadth of sound, for its physical heft, for its tangible realness. Over the past few months Brian Lee and Bob Jackson at Waygate Mastering have remastered the album for the first time specifically for Vinyl. And I have to say, it sounds incredible. They have managed to bring out subtleties in the vocals, the instrumentation, that were somehow lost previously. It sounds as if a sonic veil has been lifted. I cannot thank them enough.
To further honor this moment I will be hitting the road later this summer for the Trouble 20th Anniversary Tour, playing the album top to tail for the first time since it was released. I hope you will come out and join me and my friends and help us celebrate this moment in time. It wouldn't be the same without you.